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PieceWorker – Processing data and paying employees

Depending on your chosen “data destination”, PieceWorker data is processed in one of the following ways:

  • The most common method is to send timesheet data to one of the supported payroll accounting systems, including our own Windows Accounting Made Simple (WAMS), Famous, Quickbooks, Red Wing, and others. This can be done every day, every other day, or once a week, depending on your needs and the amount of time you have available each day. The payroll system uses the imported timesheet records to automatically create payroll records and print paychecks.
  • Another popular method creates an Excel worksheet from the processed data, usually for a full week. The worksheet provides you with gross pay for each employee, which some customers use to pay cash at the office or in the field (when using migrant workers that are not subject to payroll taxes). Other customers use the employee gross pay information to manually enter paychecks into a payroll system that cannot import (or cannot EASILY import) a timesheet file.
  • Some berry growers use the Pay Employees feature to pay cash to individual employees at one or more pay windows at their office. When an employee approaches the pay window, his ID card is scanned (or entered), his total gross pay is calculated based on his pending (unpaid) work data, and a receipt is printed in English and Spanish.
  • Some users send data to MULTIPLE destinations, either for separate PieceWorker companies or for separate “groups” of employees within the same company. Some payroll information might be sent to Famous payroll and some to Microsoft Excel. Some users also have jobs that are marked NOT to send to accounting, and they can be paid separately based on information from reports.

During processing, your specified minimum hourly wage rate (if any) is enforced and reflected on the reports and in the final file transferred to your chosen data destination (for destinations that don’t already do their own minimum wage calculations).

After processing, you have the option of printing the Employee Work History Report for use as employee wage statements, detailing the work done by each employee on separate pages. An optional signature line allows you to have a signed statement from each employee saying that he was properly paid for that period. Each statement can be in English or Spanish, as noted in each employee’s record.

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